Class InlineParserImpl

    • Field Detail

      • originalSpecialCharacters

        protected final java.util.BitSet originalSpecialCharacters
      • delimiterCharacters

        protected final java.util.BitSet delimiterCharacters
      • delimiterProcessors

        protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.Character,​DelimiterProcessor> delimiterProcessors
      • linkRefProcessors

        protected java.util.List<LinkRefProcessor> linkRefProcessors
      • inlineParserExtensions

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Character,​java.util.List<InlineParserExtension>> inlineParserExtensions
      • specialCharacters

        protected java.util.BitSet specialCharacters
      • customCharacters

        protected java.util.BitSet customCharacters
      • customSpecialCharacterFactoryMap

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Character,​CharacterNodeFactory> customSpecialCharacterFactoryMap
      • customSpecialCharacterNodes

        protected java.util.ArrayList<Node> customSpecialCharacterNodes
      • referenceRepository

        protected ReferenceRepository referenceRepository
        Link references by ID, needs to be built up using parseReference before calling parse.
      • lastDelimiter

        protected Delimiter lastDelimiter
        Top delimiter (emphasis, strong emphasis or custom emphasis). (Brackets are on a separate stack, different from the algorithm described in the spec.)
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public void parse​(@NotNull
                          BasedSequence content,
                          Node block)
        Parse content in block into inline children, using reference map to resolve references.
        Specified by:
        parse in interface InlineParser
        content - the content to parse as inline
        block - the node to append resulting nodes to (as children)
      • preProcessBlock

        public int preProcessBlock​(Paragraph block,
                                   ParserState state)
        Description copied from interface: ParagraphPreProcessor
        Process Paragraph Content on closing of the paragraph block to removeIndex non-text lines.

        This is used by extensions to take leading lines from a paragraph and convert them to other blocks

        by Default leading lines that define references are removed and Reference nodes are inserted before.

        Specified by:
        preProcessBlock in interface ParagraphPreProcessor
        block - paragraph node to process
        state - parser state
        number of characters processed from the start of the block
      • parseReference

        protected int parseReference​(Block block,
                                     BasedSequence s)
        Attempt to parse a reference definition, modifying the internal reference map.
        block - the block whose text is being parsed for references
        s - sequence of the blocks characters
        number of characters were parsed as a reference from the start of the sequence, 0 if none
      • parseInline

        protected boolean parseInline()
        Parse the next inline element in subject, advancing input index. On success, add the result to block's children and return true. On failure, return false.
        false on failure true on success
      • parseInline

        protected boolean parseInline​(boolean customOnly)
      • parseNewline

        public boolean parseNewline()
        Parse a newline. If it was preceded by two spaces, append a hard line break; otherwise a soft line break.
        Specified by:
        parseNewline in interface InlineParser
      • parseBackslash

        protected boolean parseBackslash()
        Parse a backslash-escaped special character, adding either the escaped character, a hard line break (if the backslash is followed by a newline), or a literal backslash to the block's children.
      • parseBackticks

        protected boolean parseBackticks()
        Attempt to parse backticks, adding either a backtick code span or a literal sequence of backticks.
        true if matched backticks, false otherwise
      • parseDelimiters

        protected boolean parseDelimiters​(DelimiterProcessor delimiterProcessor,
                                          char delimiterChar)
        Attempt to parse delimiters like emphasis, strong emphasis or custom delimiters.
        delimiterProcessor - delimiter processor instance
        delimiterChar - delimiter character being processed
        true if processed characters false otherwise
      • parseOpenBracket

        protected boolean parseOpenBracket()
        Add open bracket to delimiter stack and add a text node to block's children.
      • parseBang

        protected boolean parseBang()
        If next character is [, and ! delimiter to delimiter stack and add a text node to block's children. Otherwise just add a text node.
        true if processed characters false otherwise
      • parseCloseBracket

        protected boolean parseCloseBracket()
        Try to match close bracket against an opening in the delimiter stack. Add either a link or image, or a plain [ character, to block's children. If there is a matching delimiter, removeIndex it from the delimiter stack.

        Also handles custom link ref processing

      • containsLinkRefs

        protected static boolean containsLinkRefs​(Node node,
                                                  java.lang.Boolean isTentative)
      • containsLinkRefs

        protected static boolean containsLinkRefs​(BasedSequence nodeChars,
                                                  Node next,
                                                  java.lang.Boolean isTentative)
      • collapseLinkRefChildren

        protected static void collapseLinkRefChildren​(Node node,
                                                      java.util.function.Function<LinkRefDerived,​java.lang.Boolean> isTentative,
                                                      boolean trimFirstLastChild)
      • parseLinkTitle

        public BasedSequence parseLinkTitle()
        Attempt to parse link title (sans quotes),
        Specified by:
        parseLinkTitle in interface InlineParser
        the string or null if no match.
      • parseLinkLabel

        public int parseLinkLabel()
        Attempt to parse a link label
        Specified by:
        parseLinkLabel in interface InlineParser
        number of characters parsed.
      • parseAutolink

        public boolean parseAutolink()
        Attempt to parse an autolink (URL or email in pointy brackets).
        Specified by:
        parseAutolink in interface InlineParser
        true if processed characters false otherwise
      • parseHtmlInline

        public boolean parseHtmlInline()
        Attempt to parse inline HTML.
        Specified by:
        parseHtmlInline in interface InlineParser
        true if processed characters false otherwise
      • parseEntity

        public boolean parseEntity()
        Attempt to parse an entity, return Entity object if successful.
        Specified by:
        parseEntity in interface InlineParser
        true if processed characters false otherwise
      • parseString

        protected boolean parseString()
        Parse a run of ordinary characters, or a single character with a special meaning in markdown, as a plain string.
        true if processed characters false otherwise
      • clone

        protected java.lang.Object clone()
                                  throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
        clone in class java.lang.Object
      • scanDelimiters

        protected com.vladsch.flexmark.parser.internal.InlineParserImpl.DelimiterData scanDelimiters​(DelimiterProcessor delimiterProcessor,
                                                                                                     char delimiterChar)
        Scan a sequence of characters with code delimiterChar, and return information about the number of delimiters and whether they are positioned such that they can open and/or close emphasis or strong emphasis.
        delimiterProcessor - delimiter processor instance
        delimiterChar - delimiter character being scanned
        information about delimiter run, or null
      • removeDelimiterAndNode

        public void removeDelimiterAndNode​(@NotNull
                                           Delimiter delim)
        Remove the delimiter and the corresponding text node. For used delimiters, e.g. `*` in `*foo*`.
        Specified by:
        removeDelimiterAndNode in interface InlineParser
        delim - delimiter to remove
      • removeDelimiterKeepNode

        public void removeDelimiterKeepNode​(@NotNull
                                            Delimiter delim)
        Remove the delimiter but keep the corresponding node as text. For unused delimiters such as `_` in `foo_bar`.
        Specified by:
        removeDelimiterKeepNode in interface InlineParser
        delim - delimiter being processed
      • calculateDelimiterCharacters

        public static java.util.BitSet calculateDelimiterCharacters​(DataHolder options,
                                                                    java.util.Set<java.lang.Character> characters)
      • calculateSpecialCharacters

        public static java.util.BitSet calculateSpecialCharacters​(DataHolder options,
                                                                  java.util.BitSet delimiterCharacters)